Zip Code Shapefile Free Download

NJDEP Digital Data Downloads in ArcGIS Shape file format:

Zip Code Shapefile Free Download

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Trying to find US Zip Codes Shapefiles - posted in GIS: Hi folks,i'm trying to find sources for usa zip codes in shapefile format. Currently, I've been using the FREE. A Shapefile is the de facto standard for sharing geographic data and can be read by most mapping applications. Shapefiles with administrative boundaries for most countries can be downloaded for free online, to find this Shapefile we could just Google for “US county Shapefile” and we’ll be returned many sources for the data. Zip Codes - ZipCodes Metadata Updated: August 19, 2017. This dataset represents an ongoing effort to approximate the geographic extents of 5 digit zip codes. Downloads & Resources. Link is broken 0 out of 5 Openness score. Downloadable Shapefile ZIP 556 views Link is broken 0 out of 5. Download GIS Shapefiles – FSA, GNIS, zip code, climate, tornadoes, school districts, zip codes, dams, Indian and federal lands, toxic releases is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. Zip Codes, Minnesota. Zip-code (Zip_code in shapefile format): Contains the 5-digit zip code for each polygon. Although extensive effort has been made to.

NOTE: We’re currently transitioning our downloadable GIS data to our new Open Data webpage. Please visit it to download our most up to date data. Any data not available on our Open Data page can be found below.

Zip Code Shapefile Free Download Windows 7

Statewide Layers

Some older data files may not have a NJ State Plane feet projection file. If the zip file does not contain a .prj file, please download the njsp83.prj file and rename it to the filename in the zip. For example, the Head of Tide shapefile is called hot.shp. In this case, please download, unzip, and rename the njsp83.prj file to hot.prj.

These files can be used with your GIS or can be viewed with a free GIS Data Viewer from ESRI called ArcGIS Explorer.

Gis Zip Code Shapefile

Ambient Lakes Monitoring Network - (20 KB, 64 KB unzipped)

This data was created from the 95/97 LULC coverage created by the NJDEP. Natural and artificial lakes were selected from the coverage and then dissolved. Name attributes from the USGS coverage (lake) were attached via a centroid coverage. Other sources of lake names include non-digital lake monitoring data, atlases, digital datasets and a NJ dams coverage.

Ambient Stream Quality Monitoring Sites - (.05 MB, .25 MB unzipped)

This dataset is a GIS layer of points representing ambient stream sites monitored cooperatively by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) and the US Geological Survey (USGS) for water quality parameters. It includes fields identifying the type of station for each monitoring year as well as the presence and type of water level gauge, the associated land use, the method of locating the points and the availability of flow data.

AMNET Reference Monitoring Sites (2000) - (10 KB, 82 KB unzipped)

This GIS data layer is a dataset of points representing reference sites for the AMNET project at NJDEP. The NJDEP AMNET database supplied the list of sites (ecoregion table). The locations were selected because they were minimally impacted, had sampling data for 4 seasons, and provided a good point of comparison for other sites.

Aquatic Pesticides 2007 - (0.13 MB, 2.64 MB unzipped)

The 2007 Aquatic Pesticides Sites List for New Jersey are those sites that were permitted through the NJDEP Pesticide Control Program for aquatic pesticide use in the waterbodies of the state. Site location names are provided by pesticide applicators, and may differ from state/county/municipality recognized names. Point locations do not indicate area of pesticide usage, only indicate the waterbody/aquatic site where treatment was permitted. Sites with multiple waterbodies under one permit have just one point location, usually at the waterbody closest to the outlet/receiving water source. There were a total of 1108 permit applications submitted to the department in 2007, however only 1080 sites are included in this dataset. Thirteen applications were withdrawn or denied, 11 were special local needs permits for natural bottom swimming pools, and 4 permits were for right-of-way maintenance and could not be expressed by a single point. These sites were intentionally removed. If there are questions about specific sites please refer to listed responsible NJDEP contacts. This data was compiled and manipulated for there is a general interest in the trends of aquatic pesticide use for the control of aquatic weeds throughout the state of New Jersey. The information is intended to be a starting point for those individuals interested in the aquatic pesticide usage in their area or at a specific site.

CAFRA Boundary (line) - (58 KB, 163 KB unzipped)

The Coastal Area Facilities Review Act (CAFRA) legislates land use within the coastal area. Thus the boundary of the area was delineated. This shape file, CAFRA_2 has been modified by the Pinelands commission and updates the boundary (from the Bureau of Tidelands 1988 boundary) to reflect 1993 modifications to CAFRA.

CAFRA Layers
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Census Blocks (2010) - (99.0 MB, 385.0 MB unzipped)

This data contains Census 2010 TIGER information at the Block Level for New Jersey. It was obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau's web site along with the Census 2010 Summary File 1 (SF1). The SF1 file was joined to the Census Block coverage by NJDEP.

Census Block Groups (2010) - (9.61 MB, 14.1 MB unzipped)

This data contains Census 2010 TIGER information at the Block Group Level for New Jersey. It was obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau's web site. Census 2010 Block Groups was derived from the Redistricting Census 2010 TIGER/Line files.

Census Tracts (2010) - (5.76 MB, 10.7 MB unzipped)

This data contains Race, Gender, Housing and Household Income (SF1 Tables) information extracted from the Census 2010 TIGER tables at the Tract Level for New Jersey. The data was obtained from the NJ Department of Labor and the U.S. Census Bureau's web site. Census 2010 Tracts was derived from the Redistricting Census 2010 TIGER/Line files.

Census Blocks (2000) - (34.1 MB, 101.7 MB unzipped)

This data contains Census 2000 TIGER information at the Block Level for New Jersey. It was obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau's web site along with the Census 2000 Summary File 1 (SF1). The SF1 file was joined to the Census Block coverage by NJDEP.

Census Block Groups (2000) - (4.4 MB, 6.3 MB unzipped)

This data contains Census 2000 TIGER information at the Block Group Level for New Jersey. It was obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau's web site. Census 2000 Block Groups was derived from the Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files.

Census Tracts (2000) - (2904 KB, 6550 KB unzipped)

This data contains Race, Gender, Housing and Household Income (SF1 Tables) information extracted from the Census 2000 TIGER tables at the Tract Level for New Jersey. The data was obtained from the NJ Department of Labor and the U.S. Census Bureau's web site. Census 2000 Tracts was derived from the Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files.

Coastal Flooding (100 year) - (1025 KB, 1387 KB unzipped)

This dataset is a graphical representation of high hazard lines in 100-year flood areas of coastal New Jersey to help protect against major coastal flooding. The coverage was built as a network with line and polygon attributes.

Cross Acceptance Layers
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Digital Elevation Grid (10 meter) for New Jersey
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Digital Elevation Grid (100 meter) for New Jersey - (4163 KB, 17938 KB unzipped)

A lattice is the ESRI GRID raster file generated from USGS DEM files. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is the terminology adopted by the USGS to describe terrain elevation data sets in a digital raster form. 7.5-minute DEM (10-meter x 10-meter data spacing, cast on Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection) were merged and resampled at 100-meter x 100-meter for this data set.

Digital Elevation Hillshade Grid (100 meter) of New Jersey - (1992 KB, 2943 KB unzipped)

A hillshade is a raster file generated from a lattice. A lattice is the ESRI GRID raster file generated from USGS DEM files. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is the terminology adopted by the USGS to describe terrain elevation data sets in a digital raster form. 7.5-minute DEM (10-meter by 10-meter data spacing, cast on Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection) were merged and resampled to 100-meter by 100-meter for this data set. The ArcInfo Hillshade command was used with the defaults except for the z-factor which was exagerated by 50 to produce this hillshade.

Elevation Contours - (6331 KB, 15324 KB unzipped)

This dataset is a graphical representation of New Jersey's statewide elevation contours with twenty foot intervals. It was created from the USGS DEM 100 meter lattice.

Fish Index of Biotic Integrity Sampling Points (2000 - 2011) - (.040 MB, .204 MB unzipped)

This data represents the NJDEP Fish Index of Biotic Integrity Monitoring Network active sample point locations for the years 2000 to 2011. A FIBI is an index that measures the health of a stream based on multiple attributes of the resident fish assemblage. Each site sampled is scored based on its deviation from reference conditions (i.e., what would be found in an unimpacted stream) and classified as 'poor', 'fair', 'good' or 'excellent'.

Golf Courses (Statewide) - (615 KB, 1495 KB unzipped)

This data represents the fairway, green and tee areas of all the golf courses in New Jersey. It was created by selecting all recreation polygons from the 1995/97 NJDEP land use/land cover (LU/LC) file. There are 256 courses identified and 553 polygons (Many courses show as discontinuous polygons because fairways/green/tee zones are separated by tracts of wetland, forest or other land covers. The purpose of the file is to determine course acreage to assist in estimating the amount of pesticide, fertilizer, and herbicide used on an annual basis. Therefore substantial (1 acre or more) tracts of forest or wetlands are not included in a course's polygons, although these areas may be owned by the Golf Course.

Highlands Preservation Sewer Service (97 KB, 260 KB unzipped)

The Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act (Highlands Act), N.J.S.A. 13:20-1 et seq. signed on August 10, 2004, repealed all Sewer Service Area (SSA) in the Highlands Preservation Area where collection pipes had not been constructed. This is a graphical representation of the revised SSA mapping in the Highlands Preservation Area. The SSA mapping shows the planned method of wastewater disposal for specific areas, i.e. whether the wastewater will be collected to a regional treatment facility or treated on site and disposed of through a Surface Water (SW) discharge or a groundwater (GW) discharge. Individual subsurface disposal systems discharging less than 2,000 gallons/day (gpd) can be placed anywhere in the state where the site conditions allow and therefore are not mapped.

Historical Shorelines - (1057 KB, 3331 KB unzipped)

This dataset is a graphical representation of the historic shorelines for the four Atlantic Ocean counties (Atlantic, Cape May, Ocean, and Monmouth). It details the 11 different Atlantic Ocean shorelines in New Jersey from the years of 1836-1977. The shorelines are from 1836-42, 1855, 1866-68, 1871-75, 1879-85, 1899, 1932-36, 1943, 1951-53, 1971, and 1977. Not all years are complete or run the entire length of the four Atlantic counties. The coast coverage can be used as a 1986 shoreline.

Hydrography (state/3rd order or higher) - (2184 KB, 5858 KB unzipped)

This dataset is a graphical representation of New Jersey's State Rivers that are third order or higher. These rivers were reselected from each county's stream coverage. The original map source is the USGS 1:24,000 hydrography digital line graph (DLG) files.

Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report
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The Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report is a biennial report that identifies the waters of the State attaining water quality standards, and waters that are impaired and need Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) as required under the Federal Clean Water Act. The associated GIS files provide the spatial component of the report and include the waterbodies of the state, assessment results, as well as, monitoring station locations.

Municipal Tier Assignments - (1683 KB, 4346 KB unzipped)

This map is a geographic depiction of Tier A and Tier B municipalities as adopted in NJPDES Municipal Stormwater Regulation Program in N.J.A.C. 7:14A-25.3(a) and the associated table. (See 36 N.J.R. 813(a), 2419(a), and 4133(a); February 2, May 17, and September 7, 2004).

Municipalities of New Jersey (Clipped to Coast) - (24.9 MB, 37.1 MB unzipped)

This data set is a spatial representation of the most current version of municipalities in New Jersey provided by OIT/OGIS. NJDEP clipped the data using the detailed and updated layer 'NJDEP Coastline of New Jersey' for various uses. Spatial accuracy was improved upon from earlier municipalities data by integrating features that are coincident with municipal boundaries from other high quality source data sets. This current version of Municipalitites (clipped to coast) shows various updates (listed in processing steps) along with showing the merger of Princeton Borough and Princeton Township to create Princeton.

NJPDES Ground Water Discharges - (34 KB, 130 KB unzipped)

This layer includes permitted facilities for having sanitary wastewater and industrial wastewater discharges though various methods such as lagoons, spray irrigation, or overland flow. NJPDES permits are issued by the NJDEP and are authorized according to a specific set of rules governing discharges within the state of New Jersey.

Pinelands Area Boundary - (76 KB, 200 KB unzipped)

This is an ArcView shapefile of the New Jersey Pinelands boundary (PA_Boundary). The Pinelands boundary shapfile was created by digitizing 68 photo quarterquads. The photo quarterquads were then appended together to create the final shapefile (PA_Boundary).

Shoreline Structures - (199 KB, 581 KB unzipped)

The shore protection structures project involved the identification, interpretation, and the plotting of all shoreline protection structures located along the New Jersey coastline and within the New Jersey Coastal Areas Facilities Review Act (CAFRA) zone. The structure that were identified include; Jetties, Groins, Revetments, Sea Walls, Breakwater. Jetties and groins are protective structures (usually built from rock, wood, or concrete) which extend outward from the shoreline.

South Jersey Marsh - (1814 KB, 4632 KB unzipped)

Southern New Jersey marsh habitat base maps were created in 1991, using 1986 aerial photography. Habitat data was collected and entered into the GIS by Endangered and Nongame Species Program (ENSP) staff, using moneys donated by The New Jersey Natural Lands Trust (NJNLT). This dataset was created most specifically for use in protecting and managing migrating shorebirds on Delaware Bay.

Sport Ocean Fishing Grounds - (.67 MB, 1.32 MB unzipped)

Prime fishing areas have a demonstrable history of supporting a significant local quantity of recreational and commercial fishing activity. The Department first mapped prime fishing areas in the 1980s. Since the map is over 20 years old, it was determined in 2003 that an update was needed. Charter boat, party boat and private boat captains were surveyed to identify the areas they consider recreationally significant fishing areas or prime fishing areas. This information was then compiled and refined into a digital format.

STORET Water Quality Monitoring Stations - (272 KB, 2468 KB unzipped)

The STORET data maintains the locations of water quality monitoring stations from NJDEP's NJ STORET (Modernized) database. A station is a location at which a data collection event takes place, such a collection of a field sample, measurement of field parameters or evaluation of environmental habitats. NJ STORET maintains NJDEP's water quality monitoring data from January 1, 1999 to the present. Note: water quality monitoring data sampled prior to this date is stored in EPA's Legacy STORET database.

Supplemental Ambient Surfacewater Monitoring Network - (.05 MB, .26 MB unzipped)

This data represents sampling points for the Supplemental Ambient Surfacewater Monitoring Network (formerly EWQ) project at NJDEP. The SASMN Network was designed to provide supplemental data for water quality for the entire state.


The Tidelands claims line depicts areas now or formerly flowed at or below mean high tide. Since the mean high water line may change because of rises in sea level, the line does not represent the current mean high water line. Rather it depicts the mean high water line at the time of mapping and the historic mean high water line predating artificial alterations.

Water Quality Management Planning Areas - (19.21 MB, 30.54 MB unzipped)

This is a representation of the geographical extents of the 12 County/Areawide Water Quality Management Planning Areas (WQMPA). A County or Areawide Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) was prepared, respectively, by a County or NJDEP pursuant to Section 5 of the Water Quality Planning Act (WQPA), N.J.S.A. 58:11A-1 et seq for each of these areas. A WQMP is used in conjunction with the Statewide WQM Plan, which together constitute the Continuing Planning Process conducted pursuant to the WQPA, the Water Pollution Control Act, N.J.S.A. 58:10A-1 et seq., and N.J.S.A. 13:1D-1 et seq., and as required by Sections 303(e) and 208 of the Federal Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.) to make consistency determinations under the Water Quality Management (WQM) Planning rules, N.J.A.C. 7:15.

Water Quality Stations (Existing) - (39 KB, 181 KB unzipped)

This data represents sampling points for the EWQ (Existing Water Quality) project at NJDEP. The EWQ Network was designed to provide supplemental data for water quality for the entire state.

Water Supply Planning Areas - (399 KB, 959 KB unzipped)

This data provides a spatial delineation of the 23 Water Supply Planning Areas as depicted in the New Jersey Statewide Water Supply Plan (NJSWSP). The NJDEP's Office of Natural Resource Restoration uses the data to spatially reference ground water contaminant plumes at contaminated sites, in-order to determine if a contaminant plume is within a 'Surplus' or 'Deficit' water supply planning area. This information is used in ground water injury calculations.

Watershed Management Areas - (.43 MB, .87 MB unzipped)

The depwmas data is a simplified version of dephuc14 data. The dephuc14 is NJDEP's version of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) hydrologic-unit-code basins that delineates the extent of the DEP watershed management regions and areas to be used for the statewide watershed initiative. Both the depwmas and dephuc14 data comprise the Watershed Base Maps for New Jersey. Also, both were created from the USGS HUC14 by replacing the state boundary included with the USGS version with the DEP state and county border data(stco). The data was produced to address>

Watersheds (Subwatersheds by name - DEPHUC12) - (3.66 MB, 4.88 MB unzipped)

This data set is a digital hydrologic unit boundary layer (clipped at New Jersey political boundaries) to the Subwatershed (12-digit) 6th level for the State of New Jersey. This data set consists of geo-referenced digital data and associated attributes created in accordance with the 'FGDC Proposal, Version 1.0 - Federal Standards For Delineation of Hydrologic Unit Boundaries 3/01/02' Polygons are attributed with hydrologic unit codes for 4th level sub-basins, 5th level watersheds, 6th level subwatersheds, name, size, downstream hydrologic unit, type of watershed, non-contributing areas and flow modification. Arcs are attributed with the highest hydrologic unit code for each watershed, linesource and a metadata reference file

Wind Turbine Siting Map (Large Scale) - (9.73 MB, 15.41 MB unzipped)

ADVISORY: This layer depicts land areas in the coastal zone where large scale wind turbines are unacceptable due to the operational impacts of turbines on birds and bats.

Upper Wetlands Boundary/Upper Wetlands Limit - (3.04 MB, 9.36 MB unzipped)

Upper Wetlands Boundary/Upper Wetlands Limit data layer is composed of two wetlands limit lines mapped in two separate NJDEP mapping programs.