Javascript Interview Questions And Answers Pdf Free Download

Javascript Questions and Answers has been designed with a special. Section provides a useful collection of sample Interview Questions. This section provides various mock tests that you can download at your local machine. Comprehensive, community-driven list of essential JavaScript interview questions. Whether you're a candidate or interviewer, these interview questions will help prepare you for your next JavaScript interview ahead of time.

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1) jQuery is a
a). JavaScript Library. b).JavaScript Language c).JavaScript Method d). PHP Method
Ans: a
2. jQuery uses CSS selectors to select elements?
A. False
B. True

3. Which sign does jQuery use as a shortcut for jQuery?
A. the % sign
B. the ? Sign
C. the $ sign
Ans: C
4. With jQuery, look at the following selector: $('div'). What does it select?
A. All div elements
B. The first div element
Ans: A
5. Is jQuery a library for client scripting or server scripting?
A. Server scripting
B. Client scripting
6. Is it possible to use jQuery together with AJAX?
A. No
B. Yes
7. The jQuery html() method works for both HTML and XML documents
A. False
B. True
8. What is the correct jQuery code to set the background color of all p elements to red?
A. $('p').layout('background-color','red');
B. $('p').manipulate('background-color','red');
C. $('p').css('background-color','red');
D. $('p').style('background-color','red');
9. With jQuery, look at the following selector: $('div.intro'). What does it select?
A. The first div element with
B. The first div element with
C. All div elements with
D. All div elements with
10. Which jQuery method is used to hide selected elements?
A. hidden()
B. hide()
C. visible(false)
D. display(none)
11. Which jQuery method is used to set one or more style properties for selected elements?
A. css()
B. html()
C. style()
12. Which jQuery method is used to perform an asynchronous HTTP request?
A. jQuery.ajaxAsync()
B. jQuery.ajax()
C. jQuery.ajaxSetup()
13. What is the correct jQuery code for making all div elements 100 pixels high?
A. $('div').height='100'
B. $('div').height(100)
C. $('div').yPos(100)
14. Which statement is true?
A. To use jQuery, you must buy the jQuery library at
B. To use jQuery, you do not have to do anything. Most browsers (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox and Opera) have the jQuery library built in the browser
C. To use jQuery, you can refer to a hosted jQuery library at Google
Ans: A
15. What scripting language is jQuery written in?
A. VBScript
B. JavaScript
C. C#
D. C++
Ans: B
16. Which jQuery function is used to prevent code from running, before the document is finished loading?
A. $(document).load()
B. $(document).ready()
C. $(body).onload()
17. Which jQuery method should be used to deal with name conflicts?
A. noNameConflict()
B. noConflict()
C. nameConflict()
D. conflict()
18. Which jQuery method is used to switch between adding/removing one or more classes (for CSS) from selected elements?
A. toggleClass()
B. switch()
C. altClass()
D. switchClass()
Ans: D
19. Look at the following jQuery selector: $('div#intro .head'). What does it select?
A. The first element with inside any div element with
B. All elements with inside the first div element with
C. All div elements with or
20. Is jQuery a W3C standard?
A. No
B. Yes
Ans: B
21. Which statement best explains what 'unobtrusive JavaScript' is?
A. JavaScript that doesn't annoy users
B. JavaScript that is separate from HTML
C. JavaScript that does not affect a web page
D. JavaScript that works even with scripting turned off
Ans: B
22. Which of these is NOT a valid comment in JavaScript?
A. // This is a comment
B. /* This is a comment. */
C. /* This is a comment
D. .<!-- This is a comment.
Ans: C
23. How do you use JavaScript within CoffeeScript code?
A. Use the JavaScript keyword
B. Wrap the code in <script> tags
C. Wrap the code in backticks or grave accents [`]
D. You can't embed JavaScript code within CoffeeScript
Ans: C
24. In JavaScript, we can keep a reference to the context outside a function by assigning it to a variable: var self = this. In CoffeeScript, we use:
A. self = this printScope -> console.log self
B. printScope => console.log @
C. printScope => console.log this
D. All of the above
Ans: D
25. What is the correct JavaScript syntax to write 'Hello World'?
A. document.write('Hello World')
B. ('Hello World')
C. response.write('Hello World')
D. 'Hello World'
Ans: A
26. jQuery is a...
A. JavaScript library
B. Ruby Gem
C. PHP Framework
D. None of the above
Ans: A
27. jQuery's main focus is..
B. DOM Manipulation
C. Animations
D. All of the above
Ans: D
28. $.foo() is equivalent to..
D. None of the above
Ans: C
29. Can jQuery be used on the same page alongside other libraries?
A. Yes
B. No
Ans: A
30. var ps = $('p');
ps will be..
A. A linked list
B. A hash or dictionary
C. An array
D. A jQuery object
Ans: D
31. $(document).ready(function() {
// Some code.
The above code is used to..
A. Make sure no code is executed till the entire page is fully loaded
B. Make sure no code is executed till the DOM is fully loaded
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
Ans: B
32. Can you can use CSS3 selectors to select or find elements using jQuery?
A. Yes
B. No
Ans: A
33. You can test whether the browser supports specific features using...
A. $.support
B. $.browser
C. $.featureTest
D. $.browserTest
Ans: A
34. Multiple document.ready blocks can be placed in a page without detriments. This statement is..
A. True
B. False
Ans: A
35. Query.noConflict(true) is used to..
A. Free up the $ symbol for use by other libraries
B. Improve compatibility
C. Remove all jQuery variables from the global scope
D. All of the above
Ans: D
36. $('p').click(function(){
// Code here
Inside the commented section, the value of the variable this is a..
A. Array
B. String
C. Reference to the DOM nodePrintable
D. jQuery object
Ans: C
37. The method that provides AJAX functionality within jQuery is named..
A. ajax
B. easyAJAX
C. jQueryajax
D. jQajax
Ans: A
38. The CSS selector engine that jQuery uses is called?
A. Badaboom
B. Mango
C. Sizzle
D. AwesomeX
Ans: C
39. You can attach a handler to an event using which method?
A. eventBind
B. bind
C. attach
D. eventAttach
Ans: B
40. $('#masterList').find('li')
The phenomena occuring in the above code is called?
A. Chaining
B. Event bubbling
D. Animating

Javascript Interview Questions And Answers For Experienced Pdf Free Download

Ans: A
41. What is jQuery?
a) jQuery is a library of JavaScript Functions.
b) jQuery stands for Structured Query Language
c) jQuery stands for Cascading Style Sheets.
d) jQuery communication between computers on the Internet.
Ans: A
42) The jQuery library contains the following features
a) HTML element selections. HTML element manipulation .HTML event functions
b) CSS manipulation. JavaScript Effects and animations. HTML DOM traversal and modification
c) JavaScript Effects and animations. HTML DOM traversal and modification. AJAX. Utilities
d) all of the above
43) AJAX and jQuery
a) jQuery provides a rich set of methods (functions) for AJAX web development.
b) With jQuery AJAX, you can request TXT, HTML, XML or JSON data from a remote server using both HTTP Get and HTTP Post.
c) a and b
d) AJAX and jQuery are cross-platform (you can develop in Windows and serve on a Unix platform)
Ans: C
44) Load remote data using HTTP GET
a) $.get(url,data,callback,type)
b) $.ajax(options)
c) $.post(url,data,callback,type)
d) $.getScript(url,callback)
Ans: A
45) Triggers, or binds a function to the error event of selected elements.
a) click()
b) error()
c) event.pageX
d) click.error()
Ans: B
46. What are the :odd and :even filters?
a) They allow you to determine if a number is odd or even.
b) They allow you to determine if a specific element is in an odd or even position.
c) None of the above.
Ans: B
47. When referencing an HTML element preceded by a # (pound or hash), what javascript function is this equivalent to?
a) getElementById
b) getElementByClassName
c) getElementByTagName
d) None of the above
Ans: A
48. When referencing an HTML element preceded by a . (dot), what javascript function is this equivalent to?
a) getElementById
b) getElementByClassName
c) getElementByTagName
d) None of the above
Ans: D
49. What is the each function used for?
a) The Each function allows you to loop though every element in a parent element.
b) The Each function allows you to put the word 'Each' into each element
c) The Each function allows you to loop through different elements with a class or ID.
d) None of the above.
Ans: C
50. What is the difference between Hover and Mouseover
a) Mouseover allows you to specify an optional function to use for the mouseout event
b) Hover allows you to specify an optional function to use for the mouseout event
c) No Difference; Mouseover and Hover are the same
Ans: B
51. What are the various speed options?
a) The words 'slow' and 'fast' as well as integers for the milliseconds
b) Only the words 'slow', 'fast', and 'medium'
c) All of the above
d) None of the above
Ans: A
52. The speed options can be applied to which jQuery functions?
a) css and ajax
b) show and fadeIn
c) toggleCss
d) All of the above
Ans: B
53. If you want to stop your jQuery for a few milliseconds, which function do you use?
a) stop()
b) pause()
c) slowdown()
d) delay()
Ans: D
54. Which function do you reference in HTML form data?
a) value()
b) formData()
c) val()
d) None of the above
Ans: C
55. When do you use the $(this) code?
a) When an HTML element will reference its own action.
b) When an HTML element will reference its parent element's action
c) When an HTML element will reference the entire document
d) None of the above.
Ans: A
56. What does the function $(“.selector”) return?
a) An array.
b) A node list.
c) A new jQuery object.
Ans: C
57. Why do we usually add the stop() method before calling animate()?
a) stop() halts the execution of the scripts on the page until the animation has finished.
b) stop() ends any currently running animations on the element, and prevents conflicts and pile-ups.
c) We tell jQuery that the animation has to be stopped at some point.
Ans: B
58. What is the difference between .width() and .outerWidth()?
a) The methods are basically the same. The only difference is that .width() returns a number, whereas outerWidth() a string.
b) width() returns the computed width of the element, while outerWidth() returns the width plus all the margins and paddings.
c) No difference. width() is a shorthand alias for outerWidth()
Ans: B
59. How do you fetch the first span on the page, which has the class ‘green’?
a) $('span, .green, :first')
b) $('first .green span')
c) $('')
Ans: C
60. What does the $('#myDiv').hover() method do?
a) It binds the functions you pass as parameters, to the mouseenter and mouseleave events.
b) Converts the element upon which it was called, into a hoverable menu.
Ans: A

61. Which of the following is correct?
A. jQuery is a JavaScript Library
B. jQuery is a JSON Library
Ans: A
62).jQuery is
a).Light weight b).Interpreter compiled c).parallelly processed d).Runs in js shell
63).jQuery does not support which of the following
a).HTML/DOM Manipulation b).HTML events c).AJAX d).PHP Bytecode
64).Minified and compressed version of jQuery is usually used as
a).Development version b).Production version c).Beta Version d).Alpha version
65).$(selector).action() – What does this jquery syntax format do?
a).Select an HTML element and then use HTML to act on it
b).Select an HTML element and perform some actin on it
c).Perform an action on an element and then select it
d).Perform selection and ignore the action
66).What does the dollar sign in jQuery statement do?
a).It loads the jQuery methods b).It loads the DOM c).It loads PHP d).It is used to define or access jQuery
67).Here is a jquery code:
Why do we place all jQuery methods inside this code?
a).Because jQuery is never compiled b).It shows where jQuery starts and ends
c).To enable the DOM to load jQuery d).To prevent jQuery code from running before the document is fully loaded
What does this piece of jQuery do?
a).This is a shorter version for $(document).ready(function(){});
b).This is to test if jQuery can be loaded again
c).This is to test if jQuery has completed execution
d).This is to create a method in jQuery

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What type of selector is used in the above jQuery syntax?
a).id selector
b).class selector
c).name selector
d).value selector
70).Which of the following jQuery syntax uses the class selector
a).$(‘#temp’) b).$(‘.temp’) c).$(‘class’) d).$(‘temp’).class

Important JQuery Questions that can be asked in Top Companies :-

71).Give the syntax for selecting the current HTML element.
72).How do we select odd tr elements.
73).How do we write a click event that gets fired on a paragraph element.
74).We have mouse events, key board events etc. So Submit, Focus,Change etc are examples of what type of events?
75).Explain the syntax for hiding a paragraph element.
76).$(“#div_alpha”).fadeIn(1000); what does this mean?
77).Give the jQuery method name to create custom animations.
78).text() – Sets or returns the text content of selected elements – Is this true?
79).$(“#div_beta”).html(“Hello“); What is the error in this piece of code?
80).$(“p”).append(“append me at the end.”); What is the output of this jQuery?

Here is a list of commonly asked interview questions about stands for active server pages and it is also widely used for web programming after PHP. Download ASP DOTNET interview questions in PDF format.ASP.Net based on Object oriented programming concept. is an open source server-side Web application framework that is designed and marketed by Microsoft and intended to help programmers to create dynamic websites, web services and web applications with minimal coding.Here I have collected some good interview questions with their answers. interview questions and answers

There are several questions to expect if you are preparing to attend an interview. Here are just a few samples of those questions and their answers:

50 Common Interview Questions Answers Pdf

  1. What is the difference between Webforms and MVC?


Layouts are rendered in Web Forms by the use of Page controller pattern. With this, every page is able to have its own controller (code-behind file that posses the request). But MVC on the other hand, makes use of Front Controller approach. In this case, requests are processed by a common controller for all pages.

  1. What are the types of Authentication in

Ans. has three types of authentication:

  • Windows Authentication: This makes use of built-in windows security features for user’s authentication.
  • Forms Authentication: This authenticates against a customized users’ list or users in a database.
  • Passport Authentication: This is a centralized authentication service used to validate against Microsoft Passport service.
  1. What is


  • is a server-side technology that makes use of object-oriented programming approach. In, every element is run on the server is treated as an object.
  • enables you to build web applications effortlessly by using fully featured programming language such as or C-Sharp (C#).
  1. What is Global Assembly Cache?


Global Assembly Cache (GAC) is used in sharing .NET assemblies. It can be used in the following scenarios:

  • If the multiple application needs to make use of the same assembly.
  • If there are security requirements in the assembly. For instance, if only administrators are permitted to remove the assembly.
  1. What are Strong Names?


Strong names are unique names for assemblies. They are similar to GUID in COM components. We can give a strong name for the assemblies whenever we want to deploy the assembly in GAC. They assist GAC in differentiating between two versions.

  1. When does a session actually start?


A session starts when a visitor requests your site for the first time. A new session commences when the request lacks any SessionID or the sessionID references a session that has expired. The Session_OnStart event in Global.asax can be used in tracking information that is related to session.

  1. What is Post Back?


It is a mechanism that enables a roundtrip of the page between client and a server in request-response model.

  1. What are the ActionResults you know?


They include:

  • View
  • PartialView
  • Empty
  • File
  • Redirect
  • Content
  • JSON
  • RedirectToRoute
  1. What are the various ways to send content from one page to another?





  1. How can you secure a WCF service?

Javascript Interview Questions And Answers Pdf Free Download Pdf


This can be done in two ways – securing the message sent over and securing the medium of transmission.

  1. How many times will Application_Start event be fired if there are 10 users requesting your application?


Application_Start would be fired only once at the level of application. That is when the application is requested for the first time.

  • Prepare about introduction about ASP
  • Expect a question about difference between normal asp and
  • Sure question about Cookie in
  • Question about ASP.Net builtin objects
  • About ServerTransfer and ResponseDirect
  • AutoPostBack
  • What is called as round trip in ASP.Net
  • Different Types of Cookies
