Youtube App For Ipad 1 Download

It's been some weeks now, whenever I try to used my Youtube app, it tells me it's impossible to connect to Youtube. Since it's an iPad 1, I have had trouble finding information online.

Did Google or Apple stop supporting the app? Is it finally obsolete? Is there another app I could use that works on iOS 5?

  1. Nov 11, 2016  Top Apps For The iPad 1 In 2016. In this video today I will be showing you guys the top best apps you can get for your iPad 1st gen in 2016. How to Download a Video from.
  2. My autistic child doesnt want to let go of his ipad 1. Unfortunately, an update of youtube doesnt allow it to work on ios 5.1.1 which is the allowable version for ipad 1.
  3. Top 5 YouTube App Alternatives for iPhone and iPad Posted by Khamosh Pathak on Aug 06, 2016 in Best iPad Apps, Best iPhone Apps, Top Stories, YouTube Generally, I like the YouTube app on the iPhone and iPad.
  4. First generation iPad users (who are stuck with version 5.1.1) can’t install latest apps from appstore. But most of the apps have a older version which supports version 5.1.1 Here is a perfectly.

Just to be clear, I did not tinker with my device. I did not change its parameters, I did not jailbreak it, it connects to the Internet just fine and I've tried the app on different Internet connections. Also, this is not a login problem, the app just refuses to let me browse videos, whether I'm logged in or not.

Thanks for your help.


Noting that a quarter of all YouTube watching happens on mobile, Google wrote in a blog post that the standalone YouTube app, which hit the iPhone back in September after Apple removed its stock counterpart with the release of iOS 6, “made us the #1 free app in the App Store for two months”. 4) Switch to your iPad, go to the App Store and the 'Get' button should now show 'Install.' Click Install and it will ask if you want to download the old version, click Download and enjoy. Just did this on my iPad (1) on OS 5.1.1 and tested the new Youtube app. Everything works fine. Seems better than the old Youtube app, but you will see adds now. This will download the video onto your iPad, at which point you'll be able to watch the video inside of the YouTube app at any time. You can access the video by tapping Library, tapping Offline videos, and selecting your video.

6 Answers

Solution (Seems Bullet Proof)


Note: It is not a network issue, it is software. Native YouTube App worked on 3st gen iPhone OS 5.1.1 on same network where iPad 1 OS 5.1.1 did not.

I tried all suggestions found on internet and after 2 days I found no more options to try. This issue goes back years and no help from Apple! F..kng Frustrating!!!

But I learned enough from those suggestions to come up with this solution below.

Warning: I have only tried this with (2) iPad1 (mine and a friend) which is why I wrote 'seems' bullet proof. Also, you must only use the PC which is tied to your device. The native YouTube device will be repaired BUT not all of your other apps will be restored if you use a different computer. If this happens, then simply reinstall each app on your device through the app store. (When I did this on my friends iPad the apps had not lost their data...Woo Whoo!)

Youtube App For Ipad 1 Download Windows 7

Let's Get Started.

  1. Backup your iPad 1
  2. Download legacy OS ( In my case it was OS 5.1.1)
  3. Easiest way is to open it in iTunes rather than save it to your computer
  4. Plug your device in and open iTunes.
  5. When your device appears, click on restore. It should now display the version of the OS you just downloaded. (When I first tried this, iTunes wanted to upgrade my iPad 1 to OS6.1 which deletes the native iTunes app)
  6. When the reinstall is complete iTunes should ask you if you want to restore or configure a new install. (tell it to restore the copy you saved in step 1)
  7. Enjoy a fully functioning Native YouTube App, with Favorites restored as well.

No guarantees of course, but I hope this helps.

Julian GreighJulian Greigh

YouTube has stopped supporting the native iPad YouTube app, but if you turn off YouTube in Settings -> General -> Restrictions you can watch YouTube videos in the Safari web browser by vistiting It can be a bit crashy though on the old iPad 1 browser.

You may also be able to install an older version of the YouTube app from the app store which will work on the iPad 1. (I think this depends on whether you've ever downloaded that old version of the YouTube app in the past on another device.)

Matthew LockMatthew Lock

The app no longer is updating or working.

I have an iPhone 4 on iOS 5.1.1 and kept it that way because I liked the native YouTube and native maps. Tried to resynch, reboot, wifi, empty cache, etc. none of it worked. Always got the same 'cannot connect to YouTube.' stopped working about two weeks ago. Very sad. Really liked the layout, liked being ad free, and liked not having recommended videos. Good ole YouTube had a simple 'most popular' list and a simple search bar. It was great while it lasted. Current YouTube is so much worse.

Tom ThumbTom Thumb

I have an original iPad with the YouTube app. I have just tested it. It works !

The YouTube servers may be doing some dirty selection on guessed location.

Come to Europe with your iPad and try !

Nicolas BarbulescoNicolas Barbulesco

I have just restored my wife's Ipad IOS 5.1.1 and have now got a working Youtube app again complete with all old favorites. What a relief.


I reset my wife's iPad 1 to factory defaults and now YouTube is working again. I didn't have to use iTunes (which I hate)—I just used the reset function in the settings menu.

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Youtube App For Ipad Ios 6


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